T.R. Threston – Travel Writer and Historical Fiction Writer

Traveler. Writer.

Archive for November 12th, 2013

You ask if I’m busy??

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I’m taking a much needed, but, short break away from work.  Since June my life has had one speed. Go!  I have so many different things happening at once it’s hard to keep things in order, yet, somehow I manage.

I know you’re probably curious about the Maserati party — and yes it was fun and yes they are INCREDIBLE cars.  A friend of mine who just happened to attend (we didn’t go together) is actually thinking of buying one.

masparty2And, I can’t help but think about someone who would probably love to have one too, but, I need to count that person among my many losses in 2013 – and not all the losses were deaths — some were simply a matter of bad timing and/or misunderstandings.  And, I do think of this person often — and I am often curious if that person ever visits my blog to see what’s up.  I have a feeling the answer is yes, but, since I don’t track my visitors I can’t say for sure.  Perhaps that person will shock me and drop a line soon…  I can only hope…  I know this specific person goes into the same Fall/Holiday slump as I do — and also becomes “comfortably numb”…  So if you see this and you know who are… “Woody”… I mean you 😀  The door is open for you… Wide open…  Lots to tell you. Lots to share.  And I mean lots.

In the meantime, I’m launching magazines, writing books, running a professional association, and, squeezing what little time I have left in for family and social engagements.  In the work realm, I am particularly happy that my family tree is finally coming together and I’m waiting for confirmation for a discovery made just this past week.  This of course all ties into Tharston Manor — the more facts I have — the more accurate I can write the story, but, I am still thankful for placing it under the genre of Historical Fiction because certain facts are simply unobtainable.

I can also FINALLY stop looking over my shoulder.  The second of my two party stalker team has also died.  This one took his own life.  I shed no tears and look forward to getting back what is rightfully mine in the first place.  It is a HUGE relief and I’m glad I can start getting my life back in order since he was the master mind behind much of the ID theft I’ve experienced among many other things.  However, the damage has been done and I have to accept that many of things that happened as a result of my stalkers will never be rendered right but I can try my best.  And, I just keep moving forward otherwise…

Aureole photos by www.nytimes.com

Aureole photos by http://www.nytimes.com

However, that doesn’t mean slowing down because the Holidays are around the corner, and, scheduling and planning well into 2014 and even into 2015 is already taking place.  I did manage to get to see Matilda this past Saturday with my version of Mr. Big.  It was an incredible show and the kids are absolutely fantastic – I want to see it again!  And, we did have a very nice dinner at Aureole… And, yes, Aureole IS as good as the reviews.  I would recommend it and I would absolutely go back – matter I’d love to take someone there to see that “steakhouse smile.”  (Sorry that’s an inside quip.) And, I get a kick out of the fact that Aureole/Charlie Palmer actually “favored” my Tweet about it:  https://twitter.com/TRThreston/status/399299362435895296

So those are my highlights of the past week or week and a half.  And now it’s time to get back to the work grind…  Sometimes reality sucks 😀